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Rethinking Digitalization:
The Poetics of Browser Space

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

This reading used a lot of terminology and concepts that I was not very familiar with, which made it difficult to understand everything that the author was trying to say. However, what I did understand was very interesting.

First off, I was amazed to learn about how internet terminology is based on our household: home page, windows, etc. I can not believe that I did not realize this sooner. In my opinion, this shows how we try to make new and confusing things more understandable and relatable by correlating it to things that we already know.

I also found it very interesting how the author viewed a blank window as his artspace, similar to how a painter would view a canvas as theris. I think that this concept is very important to understand when realizing that internet art and websites are a new, emerging, and diverse form of art.

I also did not know that augmented reality was a thing back in 2017 when this article was written. I had always assumed that it was a newer concept that deals with virtual reality headsets with built in cameras. However I am now wondering if there is more to augmented reality than that as it seems like it was an established art form already. I wonder if Pokemon Go or Snapchat filters are a type of augmented reality. I am now curious to research what are more common examples of augmented reality.

The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

I found the beginning of this reading very fascinating. Although it had almost no relevance to art or interactive design, it was a neat concept that definitely caught my, the reader’s, attention. It was a very effective hook as I never really thought about what people in prehistoric times did in their free time. Ursula did a great way of relating this story to ourselves now with the fact that we all care about sharing our stories and experiences more than our actual successes. That is especially true for me as I love to share my funny stories with people to make them laugh, it makes me feel good.

Although I enjoyed the reading, I kept waiting for the transition to talking about a topic more relevant to our class, such as art. I am not quite sure how much I will use the content discussed in my art career but there were definitely interesting topics discussed that I will continue to think about in my free time.

The discussion about the importance and fascination of heroes in our society was very interesting. It feels like this is ever more present now than ever before with the huge success of superhero blockbuster movies. The stories about heroes are so influential that there is a student who dresses up like Spider-Man and roams around our college campus!

Artist Instructions

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

I really appreciated how to-the-point this article was. A lot of readings we had to do were extra long for no particular reason other than being wordy. This reading said what it needed to say very effectively.

I found it very interesting reading about different artist’s opinions and perspectives. It really shows how everyone is unique and thinks about art differently. I also had no idea what a fluxus artist was until I read this article so it did a great job of teaching me that. It is a very funny word that does not seem real, but that aspect is what is going to help me remember it.

It is interesting to think about how on the surface music and websites do not have much in common with each other. It really shows how broad the term ‘art’ is. However when you break them both down to their core, they both require a lot of thought and creativity, as well as talent, to create. Just like how no two songs are the same, no two websites will be either. Every artist has their own distinct style and way of interpreting art.

I enjoyed the pictures that accompanied the corresponding text and paragraphs, it made it more visually appealing to read. However, I do not think I will retain a lot of this information. I can’t see how applicable any of it will be to my artistic career.